Every person in the Trenches Law family is important to us, which is why we’ve decided to introduce you to a different member of the team each month – so you can learn more about them.
Summarise your role in one paragraph
I have been fortunate to have had experience in all aspects of the company – starting as a Wayleave Officer, then assisting in the legal team, which I have now moved into full-time. This has given me a great opportunity to get to grips with the entire cycle of the wayleave process and the common legal challenges faced by telecoms operators, local authorities, and of course, landowners.
What is your favourite part of your position at Trenches Law?
Without a doubt the best part is working with such a great team of people.
Which one word do you think your colleagues would use to describe you?
I could not guess, and so I cheated! I asked my team and they gave me not one, but two words – methodical and articulate (at least these were the polite ones!)
What word do you think best describes Trenches Law?
What’s been the most satisfying moment of your Trenches Law career so far?
There are too many to mention! I honestly get genuine fulfilment from my role – I love the job I do and the people I work with. I was particularly pleased to have the opportunity to move into my current team and to build on my legal background – but in telecoms, which is a new sector for me.
If one of your colleagues could win an award (industry or office-related) who would it be and why?
I can’t single anybody out because they all deserve recognition for the great work they do.
What are your hopes for Trenches Law in the coming year?
I hope that we continue to successfully grow as a company, and together as a team. We have so many great plans for the future – I’m happy to be a part of such a successful organisation.