
Employee spotlight, Colin Mapleson

Colin Mapleson

In this Q&A, we’re finding out more about Colin, one of our Wayleave Officers. Discover more about his role, how he would describe Trenches Law and which colleague he would nominate to win an award…

Employee spotlight, Claire Oram

Claire Oram, Trenches Law

In this Q&A, we’re finding out more about Claire Oram, one of our Wayleave Officers. Discover more on her favourite part of the role, how she would describe Trenches Law and the most satisfying moment of her time here so far…

A Day in the Life of… Colin Mapleson, Wayleave Officer

Colin Mapleson, Wayleave Officer

At Trenches Law, we’re a progressive organisation with a team of employees possessing a range of extremely varied skills. So, we decided to let some of our staff fill you in on what their typical working day looks like – next up is Colin Mapleson, one of our Wayleave Officers…

Employee spotlight, Niall Carey

Niall Carey, Trenches Law

In this Q&A, we’re finding out more about Niall Carey, our Wayleave Officer. Discover more about him – including what his role entails and the most satisfying moment of his time at Trenches so far…