It’s hard to write a reflective blog such as this without packing it full of clichés. But as I think back to 2017, when Trenches Law was merely a concept – in fact, a dream – I am extremely proud of how far we’ve come.
This isn’t meant to sound ego-centric either. On the contrary I genuinely can’t put into words the gratitude I feel towards those who have supported us.
While there are only very few legal professionals truly specialising in telecoms law, this does remain a crowded space overall. It would therefore be easy for clients to go to a firm who – on paper – is far more established than Trenches.
But we established this business to shake up the market and challenge ‘the way it’s always been done’. And we wanted to make our innovative approach – to everything from wayleaves to complex commercial negotiations and closing deals – accessible for network operators large and small.
We knew we could bring high quality, commercially savvy legal services to the market, delivered by people who understand and genuinely care about the telecoms sector. And some of the industry’s most renowned brands – and up-and-coming disruptors – have backed us. They’ve chosen Trenches as they’re excited about our agile, straight-talking and efficient approach.
The same can be said about the talent within our team. We’ve attracted some of the most experienced, professional and forward-thinking people from the telecoms world. These are colleagues I have either long known and respected or have been introduced to and blown away by their credentials.
And then there are the systems my co-founder Terry Daniell has worked hard to implement, to ensure we deliver consistently slick services to clients, irrespective of how busy we are, and however fast we grow – particularly for the acquisition of wayleaves.
To mark three years in business – with three offices to boot, not to mention a strong, supportive network keen to collaborate – is therefore the best ‘birthday’ present we could ask for.
So, to everyone who has recommended us, thank you. I genuinely mean that. You have been key to our journey to date.
To everyone who I’ve asked for feedback, I appreciate the comments. We won’t ever rest on our laurels, and we’ll continue to ask about your perceptions of us (if you don’t mind!) because we want to keep improving.
To all the journalists who have featured our stories and shared our advice, let’s keep talking. It’s making a difference.
And to anyone who shares my excitement about the Trenches Law journey, I promise, we’re only just getting started…