careers in telecoms

Work experience at Trenches Law offers a gateway to legal career opportunities

Proud to be at the forefront of the ever-evolving telecoms industry, it’s always a delight to welcome next-generation talent through our doors at Trenches Law. From German exchange students to local further and higher education pupils, we’ve offered a variety of young talent a deep dive into the intricate worlds of commercial and telecoms law over the years. And last month, we helped another duo from Salesian College explore their horizons. See what they got up to at HQ…

National Parks Accord marks significant achievement for Trenches Law

We’ve had a busy first quarter of 2023 — including notable client achievements, a presence at critical industry events, and a trip to the USA for the inaugural Connected America expo.

But earlier in the year, we also marked a milestone achievement in collaboration with Building Digital UK, National Parks England, and Openreach.

Finance manager Lisa Hearn talks self-development for National Apprenticeship Week

To celebrate the annual National Apprenticeship Week campaign, we’re shining a light on finance manager and recently-appointed apprentice, Lisa Hearn.

Sharing more on her career path and skills progression to-date, as well as insight into what being an apprentice at Trenches Law entails, she offers some crucial perspective on the topic of self-development…

Employee spotlight, Kevin Broome

Every person in the Trenches Law family is important to us, which is why we’ve decided to introduce you to a different member of the team each month – so you can learn more about them.

In this Q&A, we’re finding out more about Kevin Broome, our Client Services Manager. Responsible for ensuring the quality and efficiency of our services, he plays a key role in our day-to-day operations…

Employee spotlight, Alex Baker

In this Q&A, we’re finding out more about Alex Baker, our Business Development Manager. Discover more about her hopes for Trenches Law, career highlights to date, and what she loves most about her role…